Rosacea – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment



By Dr. Satish Titoria  , Dermatology

Rosacea is a common skin condition. It involves redness appearing on the face as well as small, red bumps. This condition is most common in middle aged woman who have a fair complexion. Rosacea is often mistaken for acne and due to this, symptoms often aggravate. Rosacea flares up very irregularly as well. The associated symptoms flare up for weeks or even months and then die down again. Although rosacea has no cure, treatment does reduce its signs and symptoms. Here is everything you need to know about rosacea:


1. Your Face Reddens:

Not only will the center of your face become red but the blood vessels which are on your cheeks and nose will show.

2. Swollen and Red Bumps Appear:

These bumps which appear are similar to acne and thus are often misdiagnosed.

3. Eye Problems Occur:

Your eyes will be red, dry and swollen when you have rosacea.


The cause of rosacea is not yet known. However, it is known that several factors make the rosacea worse by stimulating blood to flow to the skin’s surface. These factors include alcohol, hot foods, hot baths and stress.


Even though there is no treatment for rosacea, there are certain medications which will reduce the symptoms of it. Here they are…

1. Antibiotics:

Antibiotics have certain anti-inflammatory properties in them. Even though these work well in the short term, side effects may be caused. They come as gels, lotions or creams.

2. Drugs for Acne:

These also work for rosacea.