10 Amazing Health Benefits of Neem!



By Dr. Gajanan Manamwar , Ayurveda

Neem, which is scientifically known as Azadirachta indica, has been used extensively in ayurvedic medicines since ancient times. Several parts of the plant such as the root, stem bark, flower, seed, leaves and seed oil have been found to possess medicinal properties.

1. It is believed to have several medicinal properties ranging from curing gastrointestinal disorders to treating skin disorders.

2. The leaf possesses antibacterial as well as antifungal properties which help in treating dandruff.

3. Neem paste helps you to control your acne. It contains anti-inflammatory properties as well which help to reduce the swelling around your pimples.

4. It also proves to be quite useful as skin care ingredients. It also cures itchiness, irritation and redness in the skin. It has antimicrobial properties which increase the healing process of wounds without any side effect such as infections or causing septic condition.

5. It can be beneficial for treating skin problems, skin infections and eczema.

6. It has a high number of antioxidants which help in detoxifying your body and relieving you of minor gastrointestinal disorder.

7. Neem paste can be quite beneficial in removing the scars left by chicken pox on the body.

8. Tea made of neem leaves helps to treat malaria and reduce its chances as well. They can also help you if you are suffering from diabetes.

9. Neem is therefore sometimes referred to as a “one tree pharmacy”. The parts of the whole plant have a variety of medicinal uses. The leaves, stem and the extracts of the plant are also used to treat various skin diseases such as leprosy and other medical conditions such as ulcers, diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, hair and scalp problems and urinary tract disorders.

10. Neem twigs can also be quite healthy for your teeth. It has been widely used in different parts of India as a substitute to conventional toothbrush because of its antimicrobial properties.