Homeopathy For Heartburn!!


Heartburn is commonly referred to as acidity. It is caused as a result of reflux of the acidic contents of the stomach back to the food pipe. Heartburns are common conditions that can be easily cured by homoeopathic medications.

How does homoeopathy treat heartburns?

Homeopathy can cure the regular occurrence of acidity. When I say cure, I mean cure and not just manage it day to day. In the allopathic system of medicine, you just take an antacid everyday and feel fine. But this needs to be carried on for the rest of your life. You cannot avoid the antacid even for one day. If you forget to take it for a day, it becomes impossible to tide over the burning feeling that keeps occurring all through the day. In the Homeopathic system of medicine, the treatment is a little different. You need to take the medicines for some length of time. These homeopathic medicines for acidity do not have an immediate effect, which means that you will not feel better within 10 minutes of taking the medicine. On the contrary, the Homeopathic remedies are more deep acting. They go right to the root of the problem and cure it completely. That is why they take some time to act.

Treatment under homoeopathic medication system is different from that of the allopathic system. Under this method, medications are taken for a short period of time. Results may not be immediate, but they are long-lasting. Instead of curing just the symptoms, homeopathic remedies cure the root cause of the problem, for which desired results take some time to appear.

What are the best homeopathic medicines for heartburns?

Medications vary from person to person depending on the underlying conditions that are causing the heartburn.

Five of the best homeopathic medicines used in treating heartburn or acidity are:

1. Nux Vomica: This is one of the best medicines for acidity in patients who take alcohol, coffee or other beverages on a regular basis.

2. Pulsatilla: This is a homoeopathic medicine for the ones who have the habit of taking rich food regularly, such as cakes, pastries, ice cream etc.

3. Ipecac: This is a great solution for patients who suffer from persistent nausea. In some cases, when they do not feel relieved even after vomiting, Ipecac can be very useful.

4. Carbo Veg: It is one of the best medicines for patients who suffer from frequent flatulence or distention in the abdomen.

5. Lycopodium: This is a medicine for patients who experience increased appetite in spite of having acidity problems. There may be conditions of bloating and flatulence.