Homeopathy for Weight Loss


Homeopathy for Weight Loss

By Dr. Alok Kumar , Homeopathy

The accumulation of excess fat within the human body leads to the chronic disorders of obesity or excessive weight. It is a growing concern across the world as it is one of major underlying factors for many other health issues of other vital organs such as kidneys, heart, bones, and reproductive organs.


Obesity can occur due to a variety of causes, some of the most common being:

  1. Having a sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Suffering from depression and hypothyroidism..
  3. Excessive consumption of fat-rich or junk foods.
  4. Obesity is likely to affect women with polycystic ovarian syndrome and those who are around the age of attaining menopause.

If not treated immediately, obesity can lead to further complications like heart disorders or asthma.

The Homeopathic Approach-

Homeopathy can provide an effective cure to obesity without any side effects. However, you must keep in mind that the dosage should be followed up with the appropriate amount of physical exercises as well as a controlled diet. Homeopathy is an art that takes into consideration every single aspect of your body. Not only do your physical condition matters but so do your habits, temperament issues and personality. Your behavior and dealings will determine the type of homeopathic medicine for weight loss you are entitled to take. Another important criterion of selection is the parts of your body that need trimming; there is a separate medicine for fat legs, another for protruding belly and so forth. Following are some of the safest and most effective homeopathic medicines for weight loss:

  1. Nux Vomica – This homeopathic preparation is extremely effective if obesity has occurred as a result of leading a sedentary lifestyle for a long time. If there are recurrent occurrences of constipation or sensitivity towards cold weather, this preparation is highly recommended.
  2. Ignatia – This homeopathic preparation is particularly useful to cure obesity occurring due to depression. In this condition, the patient might also show a symptom of severe mood changes.
  3. Lycopodium – If you are suffering from excessive weight gain in the thigh or the buttock areas along with the symptoms of constipation, craving for sweet dishes, a prescribed dosage of Lycopodium is a very effective solution. Patients suffering from the condition might also show symptoms of irritation and sudden anger.
  4. Graphites – This homeopathic preparation is an effective cure for women suffering from obesity due to menopause. The affected woman might show symptoms of chronic constipation and extreme sensitivity towards cold air. From an emotional standpoint, the woman might show symptoms of recurrent sadness.
  5. Antimonium Crudum – This homeopathic preparation is primarily useful to cure obesity in children or teenagers. The affected individual might show symptoms of discolored nails, an abnormal craving for salt and extreme irritation. More often than not, there might be appearances of thick white layers in the tongue among children suffering from the condition.

These are just a few of the commonly used Homeopathic remedies and are mentioned only to create awareness about the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines for weight loss. It is not advisable to resort to self-medication for any disease.