Post-C-Section Strengthening Exercises!!


Strengthening Exercises

By Dr Gautam Das , Pain Management

A Caesarean more commonly referred to as a C-section is when a mother’s baby is cut open so that the baby can be brought out. Many people think that this is so painful that you cannot do any exercises for a long time after the surgery is complete. However, this is not true and here are some exercises which you could do to help increase the strength of your abdominal muscles…

  1. Bridge:

This is one of the easiest exercises to perform. All you have to do is lie on your back with both feet touching the floor and then lift your back until no part of your body touches the floor other than your legs and your hands. You can do 4 to 8 repetitions of this per day.

  1. Modified Cobra:

This is yet another common exercise where you lie on your belly and then lift your neck and back off the mat. However, remember to suck in your navel and not to stretch your back so much that there is a strain on it. Do 4 to 8 repetitions of this as well.

  1. Forward Bend:

This is a slightly less common exercise but you can definitely use it after a caesarean or C-section. All you have to do is to stand on your feet and then bend your back forward until a 90 degree angle is formed by your feet and your belly. Keep your back flat throughout this whole exercise and finally return to your starting position. Do 4 to 8 repetitions of this exercise as well.

Finally, do consult your doctor about which exercises you should be doing and which you should not. But, if your doctor says not to do any exercises following his/her advice will be the best thing to do.